Wintershred 2004 – Story And Pictures

Sunny skies and steady breezes graced San Francisco’s Ocean Beach on March 6 during the third annual Wintershred. Overall it was a great day of jamming and celebrating spin with a stellar group of shredaholics. Unfortunately, there was also a dose of bad news as two competitors, Mike Esterbrook and Arthur Coddington, both suffered moderate knee injuries. Both appeared to be sprains, and we all hope and pray that they will be back playing soon.
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Ouch! My Knee Hurts!

Yesterday I experienced what may be the worst injury of my freestyle career. Only about a minute into playing Wintershred with Greg Riley, I leapt for a brush and came down wrong. Very wrong. My knee moved in a direction it was not designed to move. I have had plenty of injuries – sprains, tendinitis, even broken bones – but nothing felt as wrong as that landing.

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