As of today, you no longer have to be logged-in to use the Contact link at the top of each page. The Contact link used to lead to my profile. It now leads to a separate Contact page that anyone can use.
The Cindy Kruger Interview
Cindy Kruger will finish 2003 as the number one player on the Women’s Rankings. Based in the Seattle, Washington area, she has won the FPA Worlds Women’s Pairs title three times (1998, 1999, 2003) and the Mixed Pairs title in 2002. Not content to dominate Women’s competitions, Kruger has been a frequent entrant in the Open division with great success. She has flirted with the top 20 in the Open rankings, reaching a high of #21 this year. In early November, she teamed with Lisa Silvey and Mary Lowry to tie for second place at the Arizona States. Shrednow interviews Cindy Kruger about her game, freestyle, Seattle, late night dancing, and her plans for 2004.
Continue reading “The Cindy Kruger Interview”
Cari tutti voi,
non ho capito quanti siamo, a navigare in questo sito, che, come detto da Luca Gagliardi, doveva essere principalmente per noi italiani, ma Ë scritto spudoratamente tutto da americani!
Scherzi a parte, va a Arthur un grande ringraziamento per aver creato questo sito, pensando a noi…
Ma usiamolo.
Per esempio:
Roma 6 dicembre 2003.
E’ un evento!
Vorrei sapere se tutti quelli che entrano in questo sito sanno dell’incontro che Lorenzo, Nando e la banda di Roma sta organizzando per i freestylers italiani…
E’ un’occasione, la prima, speriamo, del lungo inverno che ci aspetta al varco, che ci fa stare a casa, o ad allenarSi (io no, resto a casa…) fuori al freddo…la prima, dicevo, occasione, per vedersi, giocare insieme, parlare, organizzare altri appuntamenti.
Il freestyle italiano Ë esplosivo, lo abbiamo visto a FPA, lo leggiamo sui siti, dove troviamo che il calendario Ë zeppo di eventi italiani.
Quello che deve essere costruito Ë una continuazione, un filo conduttore che crei le basi per crescere insieme.
O anche solo per fare un pÚ di casino, insieme.
Il 6 dicembre Ë l’occasione di Roma.
Mi piace pensare che ci siano romani, riminesi, forlivesi, milanesi, triestini, torinesi…
e mi piace pensare che Trieste sia un’altra tappa, e Venezia, un’altra ancora…Milano ormai Ë una tappa obbligata e bellissima, con il Vagolino, e Rimini Ë sede di Paganello e, almeno anche per il 2004, FPA
Aspetto commenti e "ci sono".
E aspetto anche altri "inviti":
L’inverno Ë lungo: lo sará un pÚ di meno, se ci vedremo spesso!
Ciao, freestylers italiani!
Matteo Gaddoni: la stella nascente della east-coast
Fare un’intervista ad un amico À qualcosa di strano: l’avevamo presa, io e Clay, un po’ come un gioco, un po’ come uno scherzo. Cosœ, abbiamo invitato Matteo Gaddoni sabato pomeriggio a casa nostra, dopo l’allenamento, per fargli delle domande sul freestyle, sul mondo del frisbee, su lui.
Continue reading “Matteo Gaddoni: la stella nascente della east-coast”
Fabio Sanna’s Treasure Trove Of FPA Worlds Videos
Over the past few weeks, Fabio Sanna has been given a sneak peak at some of his videos from the 2003 FPA Worlds. Now he has created freeskyler, a website with more than 60 routines on video, including all of Open Pairs, the entire semifinals of Open Co-Op.
A few selections from the Open Pairs final:
2nd place: Tom Leitner/Pat Marron (5.9 meg, avi)
3rd place: Clay Collera/Paul Kenny (6.7meg, avi)
4th place: Dave Murphy/Ted Oberhaus (6.1meg, avi)
Is This The Routine Of The Year?
Ted Oberhaus and Dave Murphy’s performance from the Pairs Semis at the FPA Worlds has received several nominations as routine of the year. Take a look at the video. What do you think?
Dave Murphy/Ted Oberhaus – Pairs Semifinals (6.2meg, avi)
(courtesy of Fabio Sanna)
Spincollectif Releases Videos Of FPA Worlds Winners
Spincollectif has posted videos (avi and mov formats) of the FPA World Champions in Women’s (Cindy Kruger/Lisa Silvey) and Co-op (Paul Kenny/Tom Leitner/Sune Wentzel). Videos of Open Pairs and Mixed Pairs are said to be coming soon.
Customizing Shrednow
Did you know that you can customize Shrednow? It’s true. Once you Join, you have a lot of control over how Shrednow looks on your computer.
After logging in, go to Preferences. You can choose the language for many of the site commands (not all of them) to English, Italian, German, Bulgarian, Dutch, Japanese, Polish, Slovenian, Spanish or Swedish.
You can also choose the colors of the site by selecting a Theme. There are three color schemes. Sky is a blue theme. Sunrise is a yellow theme. Sunset is an orange theme.
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If you are not interested in certain freestyle subjects or articles by certain authors, you can make them invisible. On the bottom of your Preference page, select any subjects you DO NOT want to see. Those subjects and authors will not be shown when you are logged in.
Boasting and Bragging
Happy with a move you hit recently? See someone else hit a move that impressed you? Tell us about it. Even better if you have a picture or video to show.
Video: Silvey/J. Gauthier At FPA Worlds
Randy Silvey and Jake Gauthier finished fifth in Open Pairs at the 2003 FPA Worlds. This is their prelims performance:
Randy And Jake (6.2mb, avi file) (courtesy of Fabio Sanna)
If the video clip will not play in your browser, try downloading it to your hard drive and viewing it with a free program like VLC.