Dave Lewis Song: Supercool (Step into the Jam)

I’ve gotten quite a few requests to post this song. I’ve been putting it off, but here it is. It’s a song I wrote about Freestyle Frisbee. About jamming. Pipo Lopez and I did our routine to this song at Worlds in Berlin. This is the full band version. I’m the band with my guitar, voice, keyboard and Pro Tools set-up. The harmonica solo is played by Laszlo Csizy.

Step into the Jam.


“Supercool (Step into the Jam)”
Lyrics & Music by Dave Lewis copyright 2006.

Judge This – Video #3, Speedflow

Following up on the first and second “judge this” videos, Z Weyand chose a different flavor of freestyle for the next discussion: speedflow. Since speedflow (throw and catch) is not seen as much in competition routines, it will be interesting to trade ideas about how to judge the difficulty of this skill.

As always, the video (1.2mb, mov and 3.2mb, mp4) shows 30 seconds of freestyle. Think about the two scores you would give if you were using the current FPA judging system. Award your score when the video shows MARK.

Z’s introductory comments are in the extended (Read More) section of this article.

Continue reading “Judge This – Video #3, Speedflow”

DiscCast Ep 12 With Tom Leitner


Hey everyone, on this Christmas Eve 2006, we’re proud to say – December’s DiscCast is here, full of festive fun and cheer! Or something like that.

As the year comes to a close, our main discussion this month is a 2007 preview, and
World No.#1 Tom Leitner joins us to provide exclusive insights into the whole of next year’s schedule. Episode 12 also features the conclusion of our guess the jammer competition, for which the last ever answer and overall competition winner are both announced, and a special ‘bumper’ edition of our Frisbee Fact segment.

Episode 12 Timeline-

1. Intro (0:00-2:34)
2. World Freestyle News (2:36-6:09)
3. FPA News (6:14-7:22)
4. DiscCast DiscCussion – Featuring World No.1 Tom Leitner. (7:30-51:34)
5. ‘Guess the Jammer’ – Answer from last month, and the overall competition winner. (52:15-54:37)
6. Frisbee Fact – A ‘bumper’ holiday edition! (54:45-1:01:44)
8. Conclusion and Goodbye – Sorry about the lack of Christmas tunes; copyright restrictions are, well, restricting. (1:01:46-THE END)

Access the podcast from the direct download link above, on the itunes
podcast director
y, or over at Podcast

If you have anything to say about the show, e.g. comments, suggestions, requests to be a guest, guess the jammer entries, or even just seasons greetings, please e-mail us at ukDiscstyle@yahoo.co.uk !

Alternatively, discuss the podcast on our thread at the fantastic FPA forum.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, and we wish everyone a great 2007!
Thanks for listening in 2006,
Joe and John

Dear Santa Claus

Dear Santa Claus

Like every year, Iím here in this nice shrednow-frisbee-square to write a letter for you.

This year has been so intense and great for us:
so many new players, such big tournaments, such lovely eventsÖ
and it was not difficult for us to be ìgoodî and ìsmilyî.

So, I think we have a good opportunity to receive some gifts from you.

For the new year, so, we ask to you:

A lot of tournaments (with sun, blue sky, no rain, no snow, with wind but not like a tornado or only Pipo Lopez can play), new players around the world (especially in Sardinia, Brasil, and Patagonia, because I want to do some tournaments in this placesÖ), great routines, fantastic feeling, frisbee with nice colours, and music, wonderful music.

Like every year I ask you the same things too:
peace in the world, and love for all, and justiceÖso, you donít forget them, like every year!

Have a nice day, my sweet Santa Claus, we wait you!


My dear freestylers, I hope the new year will be fantastic for all.
and I hope we will spend together a lot of our free-time, on the fields, the beaches, the squares around the world, playing Frisbee, and speaking and laughing, as a fantastic, wonderful, incredible group of friends, like we are, it must be.



Freestyle In Egypt – January 25-26

Hola, Jammers of the World!

Check out this website http://um.stop4sport.ru/

It has all the info about a beach Ultimte tourney in Dahab, Egypt. So if any of you Europeans want to pop in for a jam or two, and a nice demo in front of a crowd of Ultimate players – come over. And if you play some Ultimate, the more fun for you.

Too bad I cant come this year, but next year I surely will. Egypt is very popular with Russian tourists, so the tickets are cheap for us. Look out for Russian jammers next year in Dahab.

Rankings: November and December 2006

I finally caught up on the world rankings backlog and posted lists for November (Open | Women) and December (Open | Women). Again, I apologize for the delay in compiling these numbers.

No detailed analysis, but I noticed two things. There is a logjam in the #2, 3 and 4 positions. On the November list, Eleonora Imazio moves up to a career-high #2, but former number one Lisa Hunrichs earned some points at Arizona States that allowed her to sneak past Eleonora into #2 on the December list.

On the Open list, FPA Open Pairs champs Matt and Jake Gauthier are finally seeing a rankings payoff for their victory. By winning the Arizona States over a top-caliber field, they solidified their rankings points. Matt moves up to number 5, and Jake moves up to number 9, knocking me down to number 10 (I will have my revenge!) and bumping Dave Schiller out of the Top 10.

As always, there are lots of other stories on the rankings list. Tell some in the comments.

User Account Change

Due to some recent attacks by spambots, I will be manually approving all new user accounts. If you’re not a spambot, this shouldn’t really impact you. If you experience a delay in the approval of your new account, contact me.

This is probably a good time to mention the community expectations of Shrednow. Basically, do what most Shrednow-ers do – treat people decently, be constructive when arguing and whenever possible have fun. It should go without saying that if you’re posting *censored* links, you are outside the community guidelines, even if you are an automated bot with no sentience.

Continue reading “User Account Change”