What Happens When You Wander Into Wal-Mart After Midnight

One night, during finals week, I went to Wal-Mart at 3am. I saw this Frisbee, it was on sale for like 5 bucks. So I bought it. To my excitement, I soon found out that it included a free DVD starring Dave Lewis!!! I couldn’t believe that the makers of Frisbee actually got the World Champion Freestyle Disc Player to appear on a DVD for them.

After watching the DVD, I decided that I was going to try to become the next World Champion. I still haven’t learned any of the moves, cuffs, bumps, chest rolls, back rolls, glitis catches or chair catches but I fully intend to learn all of them this summer when I go back home to stay with my parents.

I’m gonna wake up every day at around 4pm (voted to be the best time of day to “jam”) and play with the frisbee until at least 7 (voted to be the end of the best time of day to “jam”). Anyways, I just thought that you guys should know that this is DEFINITELY the sport of the future and I am DEFINITELY going to be awesome. Probably not as good as Dave, but awesome nonetheless.

I wish the freestyle community the best of luck in learning the greatest art form on the PLANET!

Return of the Shrednow Sky Styler

The Shrednow Sky Styler has been one of the most successful Sky Stylers in history, winning world title after world title over the past five years. Both the green and the white model have sold out, so it’s time to make some more.

I’d like to get an idea of who will need more Shrednow discs this season and which color you prefer. Let me know in the comments, or you can send me a message. Don’t worry, you’re not ordering anything by answering this little survey, but if you want to pre-order, you can do that too. Just contact me and I’ll set you up with the discs you need.

2005 Jammers Championship

2005 Jammers Championship
April 23-24, 2005
Jacksonville, FL


1. Larry Imperiale/Jeff Kruger
2. Pipo Lopez/Jonathan Willett/Paul Kenny
3. Jake Gauthier/Gregg Hosfeld
4. Tito Andino/Steve Scannell
5. Sarah Bergman/Cindy Kruger
6. Carl Emerson/Craig Simon
7. Vic Ouzoonian/Stuart Landsee

Mixed Pairs
1. Cindy Kruger/Jake Gauthier
2. Sarah Bergman/Jeff Kruger
3. Anne Goh/Steve Scannell

Get A Free(style) DVD From Wham-O

Wham-O’s World Class Freestyle 160g model comes with a bonus this year: the Jam Like A Pro DVD aka Z Weyand and Dave Lewis’s The Secrets Of Pro Disc Freestyle. Z and Dave licensed the DVD to Wham-O so more people could learn to freestyle, and in turn Wham-O is offering the DVD as a free bonus in the package with the disc. Wham-O is also releasing disc/DVD packages for Ultimate and Golf.

This is a great moment for Freestyle. Hundreds of thousands of players will be able to learn freestyle, even if they have never seen a real-life jam. Let’s make the most of it. Let people know about the free DVD offer, and if you see someone playing with the Wham-O freestyle disc, ask them if they got hte DVD and if they want to learn any new tricks.


Both Lorenzo Apriani and Clay Collera have been hobbled by knee injuries this spring. Lorenzo tore his meniscus just before Paganello. He will have to have surgery. Clay aggravated a chronic injury on the first day of Paganello and gutted it out to win Co-op and take fourth in Pairs. He is getting a diagnosis from his doctor. We wish them quick recoveries and hope to be amazed by their moves in Seattle.

Il freestyle in Europa: va bene? sÏ, perÚ…

Eccoci, ed Ë una cosa che mi fa sorridere, a discutere se vogliamo o meno i giocatori americani all’interno dei campionati europei, o, per meglio dire, "come" inserirli senza danno proferire..

Al di lá della mera discussione, (sÏ,no, part-time, solo se poi alla fine ci offrono il caffË,ecc.) la cosa che mi "entusiasma" Ë sapere che c’Ë "questa" discussione.

Che significa, in ultima analisi, che l’Europa Ë molto, molto grande, freestylisticamente parlando.

Nel Ranking del 2005, quasi tutto il punteggio (almeno 80%) verrá dai tornei europei. Quantitativamente siamo tantissimi, pi˘ di quelli che ci immaginiamo: al Paganello c’erano giocatori (39), a Berlino altri (30),e giá cosÏ si parla di una sessantina di freestylers. Senza avere nella "conta" i francesi, gli inglesi, gli svedesi, i nuovissimi italiani, ecc.

Questo, come sempre, ci deve far stare all’erta, e non "adagiarsi" sugli allori.

Ancora pi˘ di prima Ë nostro compito far sÏ che questo fermento continui, che i nuovissimi giocatori si stabilizzino, che altri si aggiungano: per questo i tornei meno "formali" come il Vagolino diventano importanti, essendo una "prova" per chi non si sente ancora pronto per un europeo od un mondiale…

Essere "molti" non ci tutela nel tempo. Essere molti ed "attivi" anche nel campo della "trasmissione" della passione, nel portare "fuori" il freestyle, facendolo diventare uno sport vero: questo ci tutelerá dai "momenti cupi" che, per esempio,i nostri cugini d’oltre oceano stanno in parte subendo.

Il "ricambio generazionale" nel freestyle ha tempi lunghi: non pensiate di essere indenni dall’avere questo "fardello" di trasmissione, solo perchË avete 20 anni e giocate da 2…

Molti di noi lavorano attivamente per questo, ma nessuno si deve sentire "esonerato" dal "dovere" di lavorare affinchË non ci sia soluzione di continuitá fra i vecchi ed i giovani ed i giovanissimi freestylers.

Poi: che gli americani vengano all’Europeo non Ë che un piacere immenso, ed anche un riconoscimento del fatto che, ormai, i nostri tornei sono molto allettanti, al punto da prendere l’aereo e venire "di qua". Su come fare il torneo europeo, e fare tutti felici bË,io ho una visione diversa…ma questa Ë un’altra storia…


2005 Virginia States

2005 Virginia States
April 9-10, 2005
Fredericksberg, VA

1. Rob Fried,/Joey Hudoklin/Ted Oberhaus
2. Dale Crawford/Phil Cappa
3. Harvey Brandt/Tom Lasher
4. Donny Wallace/Gary Auerbach/Bethany Sanchez
5. Bill Wright/Rob Knapik
6. Rodney Sanchez/Lori Daniels

7T. Bob Cooksey/Jack Cooksey/Randy Lahm
7T. Ronnie Turner/Brian Steffen

9T. Dave Hessleberth/Ken Reynolds
9T. Dave Steger/Jennifer Griffin

11T. Jack Stanton/Tom Coffin
11T. Hunter Wootten/Nick Purpura

13. Mike Trapasso/Larry Hinkle

2005 German Indoor Championships

2005 German Indoor Championships
April 2-3, 2005
Berlin, Germany


1. Hartmut Wahrmann/Buguslav Bul (GER) (49.5)
2. Fabio Sanna/Eleonora Imazio (ITA) (47.7)
3. Kolja Hannemann/Markus Hein (GER) (45.3)
4. Tom Leitner/Nico Bernold (USA / SUI) (42.3)
5. Iwan de Moor/Jan Soerensen (NED/ DEN) (42.0)
6. Tobias Doehner/Florian Hess (GER) (41.4)
7. Laurent Mess/Carsten Heim (GER) (38.9)
8. Heiko Voigt/Chris Lamred (GER) (36.9)

Continue reading “2005 German Indoor Championships”