Ted Oberhaus and Dave Murphy’s performance from the Pairs Semis at the FPA Worlds has received several nominations as routine of the year. Take a look at the video. What do you think?
Dave Murphy/Ted Oberhaus – Pairs Semifinals (6.2meg, avi)
(courtesy of Fabio Sanna)
The big highlights for me were:
– Murf’s backroll directly into a gitis roll.
– Ted’s triple spinning chair
– Ted’s sweet, casual spin to a standing gitis, and Murf’s standing
gitis in a co-op not so long afterward.
– Ted’s quad spinning flamingo
– Murf’s just-in-time cartwheel reception.
– Murf’s triple fake around his free arm. Subtle but more difficult
than your standard triple fake.
– Murf’s tumble directly to a brush pass.
– Ted’s double spinning phlaud on the last beat of the music.