123 4 Seasons Hat Tournament

123 Four Seasons Hat Tournament
Berlin, Germany
October 11, 2008

The 123 Four Seasons Hat Tournament took place in Berlin at the Platz der Republik our beautiful jam spot ..

Since in many discussions it turned out that for new players (we have a lot of them in Berlin) the actual judging system punishes drops to hard, we tried a new system the 123-system.

The 123 system: From 6 judges we moved one form Ex. to Diff. this results in one Ex judge, two AI judges and three Diff. judges. The Final score of each Team is the Sum of all judges. In this manner Diff is weighted three times higher than Ex and AI two times higher.

I have the opinion if young players start to play to safe this slows down their development. In the worst case they start to bring the safety play into the jam which can bust a jam. However we tried the 123-System and the result was some new faces in the final, some new faces which love to play the berlin style, hard and risky ..

Here are the results of the 123 Four Seasons Hat Tournament:

1. Anton Capellmann Daniel Sorgatz, 39 Points
2. Markus Hein, Marc Pestotnik, 37.2 Points
3. Boguslaw Bul, Philipp Ludwig, 36.7 Points
4. Sascha Hˆhne, Konstantin Patsalides 28.1 Points
