123 Four Seasons Winter 2009

Berlin, Germany
17. Januar 2009

1) Daniel Sorgatz/Philipp ‘Sleepy’ Lenarz
2) Jˆrg ‘Woo’ Wunder/Sascha ‘Sash’ Hˆhne
3) Thomas ‘Nˆtzi’ Nˆtzel/Jan ‘Schreck’ Schreck
4) Markus Hein/Tobias ‘Tob’ Gebert
5) Anton Capellmann/Mehrdad ‘Mˆrdi’ Hosseinian
5) Bianca ‘BiBi’ Strunz/Philipp ‘3000’ Ludwig

check 1234jahreszeiten.blogspot.com for pics and the history of 123 Four Seasons


4 Replies to “123 Four Seasons Winter 2009”

  1. Jan, it’s Tob Gebert, not Burzan, as correctly stated on the 1234jahreszeiten blog… gotta jam with y’all more so you hear my name more often I guess 😛
    Anyways it was a nice little contest, thanks again for the warm welcome in the chilled weather – Berlin jammers rock!

  2. Sorry Tob ..
    i got confused there is another Tob whos last name is Burzan ..
    I can’t change it .. I hope Arthur reads this and changes it ..
    Thanks Arthur

  3. sorry for the inconvenience guys, and thanks for the correction! There’s too many Tobiases out there…

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