The inaugural World Gitis Day will happen on May 20 2007. Everyone who can is requested to gitis on this day between 4-5 pm in your local time zone. You still qualify as a participant if you gitis this day outside these times if necessary. Keeping it between 4-5 pm local time is for the communal spirit of our freestyle world coming together when the sun is at the approximately same point in the sky for each of us.
It is requested everyone who can to take a photo or short video (something in size that can be transmitted) and submit with the names in the photos/videos to me via shrednow or e-mail for a youtube photo/video montage.
Make this an exciting day and know your freestyle family is with you!!
A good way to practice my gitis! :d
OFF TOPIC: Hey, did you get my mail? I sended it Monday. I’m also a freestyle player from Belgium and we’re looking other people to play with.
Yeah Paul, we are game )) Anyway, anyone want to bet on how many spins Fabio does for his gitis-video? 😉 I might train up to attempt mm… 2 )) That will take a LOT of takes tho…
Also, ill try to make some people learn a gitis especially for the occasion He he he.
No jump, no catch!
Actually we’ll have Murf, Schiller, Lewis, Marron, Pipo etc here so we might see if we can get the record for spinning gitis’s 🙂
Beauty and
Emotional Expression
Ah, thats the other side of the pond, aint it ))) first 2 spins dont count 😉
No jump, no catch!
Hey Hans,
No, I didn’t get your mail. I just tried sending one to you, it contains my mail adress.
Looking forward to jam with you guys some time!