Dear Santa Claus (Babbo Natale, non facciamo scherzi)

Dear Santa Claus, caro Babbo Natale,
(italian version in the end)…

This year I was a very good ìgirlî, so, I can ask you for a lot of gifts.

1) I want an airplane, like ìAir Force Oneî, so I can to go at all freestyle tournaments next year, with all my friends too. And 3 or 4 campers too, so we can go all together on the tour in Europe. Mmmmhhh…..and I want a chef too, because I love to eat well, and I think it will be difficult to have very good pasta if freestylers cook…(and they make strange things, with plates…)

2) I want a blue frisbee. All blue. With a little, littlissima star, but not in the middle.

3) I want to live 3 months in San Francisco, 3 months in Venezia, 3 months in Mexico, and 3 months in New Zealand: and I want my friends with me, so they can play freestyle with Clay & Ale, and I can stay and relax…

4) I want the sun during Paganello, and hot, fantastic weather. I want a photo of me at Paganello, with a t-shirt, for one time….

5) I want to write a bestseller, and I want to do the ìphoto of the yearî.

6) I want to play freestyle like Arthur/Dave/Dave/Paul/Clay/Reto/Sune/Tom/Dave/ecc. without training…and I want to win world championship, of course!

7) I want an orange t-shirt, a Starbucks frappuccino each day, and I want squirrels in my garden.

8) I want eat pizza & chocolate (not together…) every day, and not be fat…

9) Ok, if you have some problems giving me all my favorites gifts, we can make a compromise…and you can give me peace in the world, and stop the wars, and give all people fantastic jobs, and all the young people good ideology…

(but blue frisbee…dai! You are Santa Claus, no?)

italian version:

Santa pace, Babbo Natale, io mi sono stufata di chiederti sempre delle cose buone brave belle e politicamente corrette!
Mi potresti fare, PER UNA VOLTA, ricca, famosa, e con un fisico mozza fiato? (sul tipo ci mettiamo daccordo, non ti preoccupare)
Tanto io ti chiedo OGNI SANTO ANNO, la pace, la felicitá nel mondo, ecc. e mai, dico, MAI che tu abbia esaudito un desiderio…ma il tuo potere d’acquisto Ë leggermente calato o sembra a me?
No, cosÏ per sapere, altrimenti chiedo alla Befana e bona lÏ.
Che poi, diciamolo, tutte quelle
chiacchiere sulla Befana, che Ë brutta, povera, e la con scopa, tipo strega…
mi sa tanto di chiacchiere messe fuori da te…
vabbuono, Ë la tua ultima possibilitá…
altrimenti mi metto daccordo con la vecchia, e ti facciamo una pubblicitá-contro da paura.

Uomo avvisato mezzo salvato…
Hasta la Vista, Babbo Natale!
