Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a tutti i freestylers del mondo!
and, please, add you in your languages…:-)
happy birthday to you, Arthur!
today is Arthur’s birthday!
I know he dont will write nothing about.
I will write for him!
Dear Santa Claus
Dear Santa Claus
Like every year, Iím here in this nice shrednow-frisbee-square to write a letter for you.
This year has been so intense and great for us:
so many new players, such big tournaments, such lovely eventsÖ
and it was not difficult for us to be ìgoodî and ìsmilyî.
So, I think we have a good opportunity to receive some gifts from you.
For the new year, so, we ask to you:
A lot of tournaments (with sun, blue sky, no rain, no snow, with wind but not like a tornado or only Pipo Lopez can play), new players around the world (especially in Sardinia, Brasil, and Patagonia, because I want to do some tournaments in this placesÖ), great routines, fantastic feeling, frisbee with nice colours, and music, wonderful music.
Like every year I ask you the same things too:
peace in the world, and love for all, and justiceÖso, you donít forget them, like every year!
Have a nice day, my sweet Santa Claus, we wait you!
My dear freestylers, I hope the new year will be fantastic for all.
and I hope we will spend together a lot of our free-time, on the fields, the beaches, the squares around the world, playing Frisbee, and speaking and laughing, as a fantastic, wonderful, incredible group of friends, like we are, it must be.
2006 Viareggio Rocky Horror Beach Show!
Viareggio – 23 e 24 September 2006 aka “The Rocky Horror Beach Show”!
At the Burla Beach Cup 2006 , there was a freestyle tournament too.
Viareggio was the last appointment of this summer: and only a few players there were, and I’m sad for this…
Because those who were in Viareggio had a great time, great play, and a special, really special event!
We were in 7 + 1 (+1 is ME!), in Viareggio:
Clay Collerá
Ale Collerá
Fabio Sanna
Eleonora Imazio
Andrea Rimatori
Fabrizio Gori
Gianluca Bertoncelli
Fabrizio and Gianluca are 2 new freestylers we haven’t ever seen before:
Gianluca from Bologna (he will play with Manuel and AlÏ!!!) and Fabrizio from Padova.
They were with their girl-friends, two lovely girls very nice and funny: and we spent all the time together.
With a so little number of players, we can to do the SuperPro, a special tournement created by Clay Collerá, very strong, a mix of Open, Shred and Alone.
Gianluca had an injury to his knee after the 1∞ shred…sigh! But he stayed with us all the tournament, so, for us, was like he participated too…
Fabrizio is a very new player and with emotion he played at his 1∞…carpet. After 2 days of freestyle, at the end of week-end he played a lot better.
The big surprise is Ale: he played very well, with concentration…and he helped an Ultimate team too! After that, he has decided to play Ultimate and try to do some athletic preparation with a team from ForlÏ named 45 Giri. We will see…And Ale won his first prize for the Spirit of the game. He was so happy and emotionated about it!
The title of the tournement was ìThe Rocky Horror Beach Showî…and Clay, Fabio, Eleonora and Ale made a show, the Saturday night, before the crazy night dance…
A fantastic show, with crazy dressed, and black eyes, and great play…
A funny parody about ultimate too, and change of couple, and music, and…
At the end, Ultimate players was CRAZY for them!
And the day after too, a lot of ultimate players came to the Grey carpet to make their congratulation and take information about freestyle, nails, ecc.
We made a crazy party: we danced, and danced, and danced…and around us there were funny people dreesed like Rocky Horror picture Show… sexy, alternative, ahem…extreme.
We had a very great party, oh yesssssssssssssssss!
The organization was very lovely with us:
They stopped ultimate announcements and music for us, and they didn’t want the fee from the freestylers. We had food, water, party free, 2 fantastic gifts for all, and prize in money…
After the finals, all us we ate together around the table of judges: 10 persons, over the freestyle tent, to think about the great feeling and time we had together. A little malinconic time too:
Because was the last tournament of our incredible summer: probably one of the most wonderful summer of our life…
But malinconia is just a fly of a butterfly, for freestylers: because in few minutes there were on the carpet to play, and play and play.
Thanks, Paul Bernier, thanks to his staff, thanks to the players there were in Viareggio, we had another unforgettable tournement.
See you the next year!
1∞ Fabio Sanna
2∞ Clay Collerá
3∞ Andrea Rimatori
4∞ Eleonora Imazio
5∞ Ale Bibi Collerá
6∞ Fabrizio Gori
7∞ Gianluca Bertoncelli
More FPAW2006 Photos From A Flickr-Friend!
ciao Jammers!
I start to do a new album, with photos of FPAW2006 by Sarmax, another of my friends from Flickr. Visit his photostream on Flickr, where you can to see other frisbee photos and a lot of Berlin pictures too:
I will finish the album on Shrednow in few days, because Sarmax sent to me more of 100 photos!
Happy Birthday, Arthur!
Paganello 2006
Yes, it’s time!
From 13 to 17 april 2006, there will be Paganello 2006!!!
On the Rimini beach, more than 1.200 ultimate players (96 teams) and more of 42 freestylers will compete.
A big Village, 5 parties, a big Circus Tent, the mythical "red carpet"…all it will be ready, for you, because we want Paganello will be an entusiastic and magic experience for all.
I’m very happy, this year, because a lot of players will come, from Hungary, Germany, USA, Suisse, Italy… and a lot will have their first Paganello-experience.
But, most importantly, a lot will be at their first-competition-experience: very young players (from 14 to 20 years old), will compete, and they will try the great (and strong) emotion to play with and versus their "idols" : Tom Leitner, example, or Reto Zimmermann, or Clay Collerá…
Well, I’m happy: so big number of players (and probably other freestylers will come, so 42 is only the number "for now"), a lot of new players, a lot of energy:
Paganello will be ready to be your crazy, lovely, funny home, for 5 days!
Have a nice day.
Auguri – Happy Chrismas & New Year
In italiano in fondo:
A big hug, and Happy Christmas and New Year to all freestylers in the world.
I hope you have peace, great holidays, and a lot of fantastic days, with your family, friends, lovers…
yours Lui
E cosÏ, ci risiamo, insomma.
Ogni anno mi dico "ma dai! Ë banale fare gli auguri di Buone Feste!"
poi perÚ…non lo so mi sembra che "manchi" qualcosa, a non farli.
Un pÚ come non salutarsi quando ci si vede.
CosÏ, auguro a tutti voi, freestylers, un Buon Natale.
Mica niente di trascendentale, solo mangereccio, tranquillo, ed in pace, che non basta mai, quella.
E Buon Anno, che vi porti tutto ciÚ che desiderate, e la finiamo lÏ, perchË le cose sono sempre quelle, alla fine…
Banalmente come vi faccio gli auguri, vi dico che mi mancate ogni giorno, e vorrei vedervi pi˘ spesso, tutti quanti.
In una spiaggia, un prato, ovunque.
Volate, e sempre e alto.
La vostra Lui
Dear Santa Claus (Babbo Natale, non facciamo scherzi)
Dear Santa Claus, caro Babbo Natale,
(italian version in the end)…
This year I was a very good ìgirlî, so, I can ask you for a lot of gifts.
1) I want an airplane, like ìAir Force Oneî, so I can to go at all freestyle tournaments next year, with all my friends too. And 3 or 4 campers too, so we can go all together on the tour in Europe. Mmmmhhh…..and I want a chef too, because I love to eat well, and I think it will be difficult to have very good pasta if freestylers cook…(and they make strange things, with plates…)
2) I want a blue frisbee. All blue. With a little, littlissima star, but not in the middle.
3) I want to live 3 months in San Francisco, 3 months in Venezia, 3 months in Mexico, and 3 months in New Zealand: and I want my friends with me, so they can play freestyle with Clay & Ale, and I can stay and relax…
4) I want the sun during Paganello, and hot, fantastic weather. I want a photo of me at Paganello, with a t-shirt, for one time….
5) I want to write a bestseller, and I want to do the ìphoto of the yearî.
6) I want to play freestyle like Arthur/Dave/Dave/Paul/Clay/Reto/Sune/Tom/Dave/ecc. without training…and I want to win world championship, of course!
7) I want an orange t-shirt, a Starbucks frappuccino each day, and I want squirrels in my garden.
8) I want eat pizza & chocolate (not together…) every day, and not be fat…
9) Ok, if you have some problems giving me all my favorites gifts, we can make a compromise…and you can give me peace in the world, and stop the wars, and give all people fantastic jobs, and all the young people good ideology…
(but blue frisbee…dai! You are Santa Claus, no?)
italian version:
Santa pace, Babbo Natale, io mi sono stufata di chiederti sempre delle cose buone brave belle e politicamente corrette!
Mi potresti fare, PER UNA VOLTA, ricca, famosa, e con un fisico mozza fiato? (sul tipo ci mettiamo daccordo, non ti preoccupare)
Tanto io ti chiedo OGNI SANTO ANNO, la pace, la felicitá nel mondo, ecc. e mai, dico, MAI che tu abbia esaudito un desiderio…ma il tuo potere d’acquisto Ë leggermente calato o sembra a me?
No, cosÏ per sapere, altrimenti chiedo alla Befana e bona lÏ.
Che poi, diciamolo, tutte quelle
chiacchiere sulla Befana, che Ë brutta, povera, e la con scopa, tipo strega…
mi sa tanto di chiacchiere messe fuori da te…
vabbuono, Ë la tua ultima possibilitá…
altrimenti mi metto daccordo con la vecchia, e ti facciamo una pubblicitá-contro da paura.
Uomo avvisato mezzo salvato…
Hasta la Vista, Babbo Natale!
Intervista a Ale Bibi Collerá
Davanti ad un piatto di lasagne, (sempre meglio mettere in condizioni ideali gli intervistati) e all’inizio only for fun, solo per parlare, faccio qualche domanda ad Ale, sul frisbee ed if freestyle.
A metá piatto le domande sono ìcircostanziateî. Al termine del piatto (Ale mangia molto lentamente), ho in mano un sacco di notizie, e di risposte spesso clamorose.
Probabilmente una delle ìintervisteî pi˘ simpatiche e ridanciane che abbia mai fattoÖma anche quella che mi ha lasciato pi˘ allibita.