Italian Summer

Ciao, Jammers! The summer is near, and with it the ìtournement seasonî.

In Italy the jammers start to ìseeî for the partners, and decide the ìcalendarî. From June to August there are a lot of appointment very interesting:

All know about EFC – Amsterdam (18 ñ 19 June 2005), the most important tournement in Europe, ìpresentedî by our fantastic Iwan De Moor & his friends…and no-one forget that USA attend all for FPA 2005 in Seattle (31 July ñ 1 August 2005) and other tournaments…

But probably not everybody know the Italian summer tournements.

In June, (11 ñ 12), at Milan, there is Vagolino. Vagolino is one of the most ìlovelyî tournement in Italy: Andrea Meola, Antonio ìPiccioî Piccioni and the other friends organize an appointment where freestyle is not ìaloneî: it will be possible to practice other ìfreestyleî sport, like boomerang, and try frisbee distance and DDC too. But Vagolino is ìotherî: it’s famous for the ìgnam gnam dinnerî and the favolous ìsalamella ignoranteî (no translate! But a very special food…italian food!). Freestyle & friendship, for one of more ìintenseî italian meeting.

The ìnew entryî of 2005 is another tournement, that Matteo ìGaddozî Gaddoni created for us: Rototom! From 1 to 3 july, in Osoppo (Udine) there will an open tournement & free jam, during the most famous and important Reaggae meeting. To see the magic atmosphere the tournament is located in, take a tour to A lot of italians player will come…

The large number of italians players will guarantee a show and good play, in that tournements…

But what make ìspecialî the tournements is the presence of a lot of new players. From Lecce, and from Veneto will come young players (young for age and freestyle….). There are 6 (maybe more) new players from Veneto, and 3 from Lecce. Others new players from Roseto degli Abruzzi, and Fabio in Trieste has a lot of new ìdiscepoliî…

At the ìeast coastî there are 3 players from Cesenatico, and at ForlÏ, Gaddoz & his friend Panda (new freestyler but ultimate player too) have create a new Frisbee Society ì45 giriî. See their blog:

I like a lot their energy, and the ìfusionî of freestyle & ultimate too: and Gaddoz & Panda make a very good work, teach people that frisbee is not only freestyle, but more….

Well, from Italy, for now, is all…

And in other States?
