Over the winter, Dave Lewis and Z Weyand released their DVD, The Secrets Of Pro Disc Freestyle, which teaches freestyle skills ranging from basic throws and catches to airbrushing and delay moves, mixed in with footage of state-of-the-art pro level freestyle.
Have you seen The Secrets Of Pro Disc Freestyle? How did you like it? What was your favorite part? What moves did you learn from it?
I have seen the DVD. I think it is excelent, I have learnt a lot from it including : Nail delay, airbrushing, body rolls, tipping and much more. My favourite part is when John "Z" drops the disc when playing indoors and learning the secrets of the nail delay.
Thanks a lot John "Z" and Dave "Spike" !! It has really helped me !! Good luck with volume 2.
Yo !! from Johninho !!
I odered and recieved the DVD in January and have watched it many times since then! I thought that it was really informative and great fun to watch. In around 50 mins dave and Z have managed to cram in loads of chapters that include all the guidance you could wish for. There is a lot of variety in the way the moves are tought, so there is no section that is simply repeated just with different content: this helps make it exciting to watch!
The part that impressed me the most was the "Hottest Moves Ever" section (included in the bonus footage). This compilation of fantastic freestyling really amazed me.
I have been able to polish up my poor techniques on the Nail Delay amongst other things like airbrushing and bodyrolls, as we have no-one who can show us how to play like a pro (or at least something like them!!!) in the U.K. I would recommend it highly to any beginner to intermediate freestyler, this DVD is of the highest quality. Nice one ‘Spike’ and Z!!!
Yo from ‘the flow’!!!
I found it interesting that they recommended that people put their hand into position before their bodies when doing a btb catch since usually I recommend the opposite.
Overall I learned a lot, especially since I have nobody to freestyle with out here in Urbana, IL and am just starting to learn some moves.
You make an excellent point, you are right, the hand shouldn’t go
into position before the body. And the hand shouldn’t go into
position for the catch too early.
On the DVD behind the back catch, fwe were trying making the
point with an exagrerated example that you need to keep your feet
moving as the disc comes in, and use your feet to get you to the
disc. Don’t wait for the disc to come to you. It won’t. To make that
point, I went into position early on the BTB and as the disc came in
I demonstrated how I used my feet to get me to the correct spot. I’ll
note your point in Volume II.
I ordered the DVD. very impressed. with that and the "zen and the art of frisbee" video i have, i should become a master in no time at all. One thing i must warn for the benefit of others though, is when ordering from the wright life website. be careful ordering internationally as it did not tell me it had charged me for shipping (when i have used it before, i have been given an option of shipping), but then, when i got the dvd and receipt, i was told i had been charged $9 for shipping. A bit annoying, but i did think it odd that i wasnt charged for shipping. Despite this, i think Wright Life is a great site to order from with good service. Another thing about the DVD is it wont play properly on a UK Playstation 2. it is in black and white because it is not multi-region. So make sure you have a multi-region DVD player if you want to watch it properly over here in th UK. The DVD is still worth getting. I dont think it could be any better as an instructional video. Biggest problem: You pro’s make it all look so god damn easy!! Haha, thanks very much for making the DVD everyone involved. (oh and the music is pretty good Dave Lewis, musically and frisbee talented. Must be a stud with the ladies)
Doing an informational type video can be pretty dry . Thanks for noticing and appreciating the self depricating disc humor. We’ll try for more in Vol 2.
Z Weyand