New Feature: Your Own Photo Gallery On Shrednow

I set up a photo gallery for everyone to play with: Group Show #1. It’s kind of like a group art show at a gallery – lots of artists showing their work in one place. Any logged-in member can add photos and caption them. If you don’t have a member account yet, it’s easy to set one up and it’s totally free. Have fun playing with it!

If you would like your own free photo album on shrednow, let me know and I’ll set one up for you. Make sure to include your username and a name for your gallery.

As soon as I figure out a bug in the photo program, everyone who is logged in will be able to set up their own photo albums.

You can upload image files as big as 150k to an album, and the site will automatically resize them into Shrednow-sized images and thumbnails for you and arrange them on a page. You can add captions and invite visitors to comment on photos and vote on the images they like the best. You can leave the settings as they are or do make lots of customized choices.

If you have always wanted to write a Shrednow story with pictures in it, having your photos on Shrednow will make that very easy. As always, contact me if you have any questions about how to do stuff.

I set up a small photo gallery of some of my FPAW2004 pictures.